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Seller ID: casper1116
Location: london, KY, US
Listings Sold: 7
Listing Offers Price Date Sold
06 se blaster 3 Offer(s) $1,500.00 Feb-26-14
00 chevy silverado 25 Offer(s) $4,500.00 Nov-16-12
type R with H22 11 Offer(s) $3,500.00 Aug-16-10
17in. ford fx4 wheels and tires 0 Offer(s) $200.00 Jul-06-10
00 Civic SI rollin chasis 4 Offer(s) $1,600.00 May-18-10
98 Accord 20 Offer(s) $2,500.00 Sep-06-09
99 civic 75 Offer(s) $2,500.00 Jun-12-09